


The 2024 Nowzad Poppy

This year, Nowzad achieved a remarkable milestone that underscores our commitment to heroism and compassion. In 2021, during the harrowing days of Operation Ark, Pen Farthing and Nowzad successfully evacuated 67 people and 171 animals from Afghanistan, a testament to the resilience and bravery of all involved.

Our poppy symbol symbolizes the enduring spirit of this mission, representing the courage and compassion shown by our team. By purchasing a Nowzad Poppy 2024 today, you are commemorating this incredible achievement and contributing to a cause that gives a voice to animals who have none.

Your support is invaluable to us and the countless animals that benefit from our efforts. Thank you for standing with Nowzad and making a difference.

Poppy Offers
1 x Nowzad Poppy 2024
3 x Nowzad Poppy 2024
5 x Nowzad Poppy 2024
10 x Nowzad Poppy 2024
Collect 29 Loyalty Points from this purchase

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