
The Nowzad adoption programme is restarting

We are reopening our adoptions programme (by Jen, adoptions manager)

It has been nearly three years since Nowzad adopted out a dog or cat but we are super excited to let you all know that is about to change!

We are re-opening our adoptions programme for a small number of dogs from Ukraine and a number of cats and dogs from Afghanistan. Our team in Kabul have been working hard with a constant stream of injured and abandoned animals. Sadly the length of time they are required to stay with us for treatment has either made them far too friendly with people for us to consider returning them to the street as part of our TNVR (humane trap, neuter, vaccinate and release programme) or their injuries require a loving home, ie our tripod dogs. And we only have limited space to give sanctuary at our Kabul clinic.

We truly believe in offering safe loving homes in the west where we can and of course it will free up a kennel for us to treat another injured animal.

A few have been rehomed locally but times are very difficult for the average Afghan family to look after themselves let alone a dog. 

We have some truly fabulous friendly animals waiting to find their forever homes. Please head over to our adoptions page (you can click here) to see if there is a special one that steals your heart. All our adoptions are managed on a personal basis and we aim to match the animal to the right home. There really is nothing quite like the love of an rescue and for starters we have 11 of the most adorable and super friendly dogs on offer. For the cat lovers out there  we will shortly be adding some gorgeous felines too. So please do check out our furry friends waiting for a home to call their own. 

All the dogs need funding for their transport to their forever homes and as we all know it is not cheap. You can read more about the dogs from Afghanistan here and if you wish to donate their funding page is here 

The Ukrainian dogs are featured here and their funding goals are somewhat smaller as we are driving them back to the UK and their forever homes - if you wish to donate please click here

Thank you for caring - you are the difference. And for that we are forever grateful!

The Nowzad adoption programme is restarting