Nowzad’s Working Animal Programme in Kabul update by Nina
Our programme generous funded by you has gone from strength to strength over the past year, despite the current security situation across the country.
Since the Taliban took back power, international aid is just not getting through to enough people in Afghanistan and the crisis has had a huge impact on the population, and on the working animals that they rely so heavily upon. There are almost 6,000 working donkeys, horses and mules in Kabul alone, used extensively to transport goods, building materials, water and waste across the city. It is at the notorious brick kilns that our vets have seen the worst welfare cases of all - most animals suffering from wounds, infections, malnutrition or simple exhaustion. Being a working donkey or horse in Afghanistan is a truly hard and very desperate life.
Thankfully, Nowzad now has 7 full-time vets which has enabled us to operate a 24 hour service to the brick kilns, market areas and Kuchi camps on the outskirts of Kabul. The team are working extremely hard to provide veterinary treatment for the animals either “on site” or nursing them back to health at our hospital or donkey sanctuary.
As well as the thousands of dogs and cats vaccinated during 2023, the equine field team also vaccinated 308 horses and 57 donkeys against rabies and tetanus. On top of this, almost 1000 horses & donkeys were treated by our veterinary team during 2023. This work has undoubtedly saved many lives in just one year!
What is beginning to make the biggest difference to these animals however, is the engagement of their owners. Very often impoverished families depend wholly on their working animal for their livelihood and suffer extreme hardship if the animal cannot work or sadly dies. However, as we have seen for ourselves over many years, these same owners and handlers have been simply unable to provide even the most basic of care. But this is slowly starting to change.
Our vet teams work closely with communities to help break the cycle of poor animal husbandry and harmful traditional practices. We hold frequent equine welfare workshops and have been able to reach so many more people through our poster and leaflet campaign that is all about using kinder and more effective working practices. That way everyone benefits!
Just last month, we also launched the country’s first ever mobile equine unit, serving as a “clinic on wheels”, with emergency first aid and rehydration medicines, tools for minor surgeries, teeth and hoof care, blankets and food. Horses and donkeys just like ‘Purple’ here have benefited hugely from this clinic already, as our teams are able to jump in and get to emergency call-outs immediately and at all hours now. We will look forward to reporting more on our mobile clinic in the next newsletter!
Please donate today to keep supporting the Nowzad 'clinic on wheels' which brings back needed vital animal welfare relief to desperate horses and donkeys forced to work under the harshed conditions in Afghanistan.
Just last month, we also launched the country’s first ever mobile equine unit, serving as a “clinic on wheels”, with emergency first aid and rehydration medicines, tools for minor surgeries, teeth and hoof care, blankets and food. Horses and donkeys just like ‘Purple’ here have benefited hugely from this clinic already, as our teams are able to jump in and get to emergency call-outs immediately and at all hours now. We will look forward to reporting more on our mobile clinic in the next newsletter!
A very big “THANK YOU” to the following Trusts/Foundations for their generous funding of this vital mobile clinic. We simply wouldn’t be able to run it without their ongoing support and help.
Animal Aid Abroad
Elise Pilkington Charitable Trust
Edna Smylie Memorial Fund Charity
Marjorie Coote Animal Charity Trust