
Former Rescues



Beautiful Nala is absolutely living the dream with her new family & is very settled with her new cat sister Darbi. Her mum says…..

”Nala is doing great! I home work and she has a cat bed under my desk so not far away from me most days. Her favourite meal is tuna and dry  biscuits! She is a very vocal cat and love how she communicates with us this way! She is obsessed with my son as he is with her and loves a cuddle off him.  Such a lovely cat. She is a huge part of our family and we love her ……”

Thank you so much Jo for loving her - it fills our heart with joy to see her so happy. Lucky girl gorgeous Nala.

Please consider making a donatation to help another donkey or horse receive the treatment they all so desperately need. Thank-you for caring.

