
Former Rescues



This disabled lad spent most of his life at the Kabul shelter using wheels for mobility. After almost 18 months of waiting for an offer of adoption which never came & after bonding closely with Jen our adoptions manager whilst learning to walk & run again he got lucky and went home to live with her and her husband, their 4 cats (2 of them Kabul kitties) and the handsome gentle also disabled Ark dog Dakota. These two lucky boys now enjoy the freedom and comfort of a loving home and Montys strength in his legs continues to improve and he has also begun digging his own bunker! He absolutely loves exploring the garden & loves carrying his toys around. He really has settled down incredibly quickly and is already a much loved member of the family. Life really could not be better for this gentle comedic and most loving boy. Happy days ahead now for him.

Please consider making a donatation to help another donkey or horse receive the treatment they all so desperately need. Thank-you for caring.

