
Former Rescues


Cassie & Kara

Our two bonded older sisters Cassie & Kara went home to their new Mum and from the moment they met it was love at first sight. The bond between all 3 was established very quickly and the girls could not have found a more perfect life. They are treasured and so loved and in return have given their Mum companionship and devotion that is a joy to see. These darling girls have embraced their new life making friends and winning hearts wherever they go. From visiting their friends at the local pet shop to exciting weekends travelling with their close dog buddy in the family motor home these two are certainly living life to the full. We are so grateful to their new Mum for loving them and proving that these golden oldies really are worth their weight in gold! They really have landed on all their paws - a special thank you to their Mum

Please consider making a donatation to help another donkey or horse receive the treatment they all so desperately need. Thank-you for caring.

