
Adopting A Nowzad Rescue


SOFIE (Afghanistan)

Mixed Breed Female DOB Feb 2022

This beautiful smiley girl was found with her Mum & siblings as a very young pup. Sadly the Mum dog died and Sofie was cared for in the safety of the Nowzad clinic. She is the happiest, smiliest dog and we don’t think she ever stops wagging that tail. Super friendly & very affectionate with people she really does charm her way into everyone’s hearts. She has a lot of love to offer. She loves zoomies and is really enjoying learning her lead work. Sofie loves a toy and is happy to be groomed. She loves playing and is  friendly with other dogs. Spayed & fully vaccinated. She is not cat friendly. Sofie will make a beautiful family dog. She really is the most adorable and gentle soul.
